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The Language of Flowers!

All of the material you have access to here -- the instructive booklets, the nostalgic postcards, the boldly graphic ephemera, and all of the historical information researched and shared from the mind of the woman who is making it all happen -- can easily fit into one 8 x 10 foot room in an old Victorian farmhouse, but you would never see it without the investment of the time it takes to produce such a site and the caloric input such a site requires in the form of food for the writer, graphic designer, and database manager, as well as the US currency needed to pay for the computers, software applications, scanners, electricity, and internet connectivity that bring it out of that little room and into the world.

So, as you can see, this site is the darling of many, and it is growing at a rapid rate ... but although it is "free," there also is a cost. The financial support of my Patreon subscribers -- my Patrons -- underwrites this cost.

A Message in a Bouquet

Floriography or The Language of Flowers is a metaphysical symbol-system and a secret form of communication in which flowers, twigs, leaves, and other botanical items are used to communicate ideas.

  • Flowers may be listed in correspondence with planets, the signs of the zodiac, and spiritual entities such as goddesses, gods, and saints, in the same way that stones and minerals are, in order to facilitate magical spell-casting, divination by omens, and identification of spiritual entities in imagery or as offerings to them on altars.
  • Flowers may be assigned specific meanings in a coded language ("The Language of Flowers" or "Floriography") so that secret messages can be exchanged between people in the form of gift bouquets or potted plants, or in allusive poetry, conversation, or fiction, without observers or outsiders being aware of the message transmission method or the message itself.

"The Primrose speaks of early youth ...", a lone postcard from an unknown set, publisher unknown, circa 1910; if you find other floriography postcards by this artist, please contact me!

In the first usage, Floriography has been around for centuries, as a way of marking omens, assuring the proper offerings for spiritual beings, and gathering ingredients for casting spells.

The latter form -- the coded language -- arose during the mid 19th century in France and soon spread to England and North America. Due to the era of its first appearance, during the reign of Queen Victoria of England, it is often referred to as "The Victorian Language of Flowers,"

Floral Symbolism

The ascription of symbolic significance to plants is as ancient as the use of plants in food and medicine. The magical meanings of roots, seeds, leaves, and flowers can be found everywhere on Earth. In some cases, the medical, culinary, or psychotropic use is predominant and lends its import to the plant; in other cases, the appearance or scent, especially of the flowers, plays the strongest role in the doctrine of signatures, and the meaning of the plant in magic is determined by aesthetics. This is particularly true of flowers, and an entire system of communication, called floriography or the language of flowers, has grown up around the use of flowers as messengers of unspoken meaning.

B. B. London, "Ivy Leaves for Constancy ..." one of a series of cards specifically about the symbolism of Ivy, circa 1910

It is common in metaphysical work to overlay several correspondence systems -- astrological, mineralogical, botanical, zoological, chromatic, mythological, and religious -- so flowers often form one piece of the symbol set that accords with a given planet, zodiacal sign, day the the week, deity, stone, or metal. For this reason, floral ascriptions are often found in astrologically-based lists of months and birthstones or zodiacal signs and birthstones. To a certain extent, linkages between flowers and the zodiac or secular calendar are based on bloom-time for the flowers, but colour and form play a part as well.

Floral Languages

Floriography entered the wider world of magical popular culture during the mid 19th century, and the French were the first to both catalogue it and expand upon it, adding many exotic plants that would not be found as natives in Europe, but which were grown as garden subjects, potted greenhouse plants, or cut flowers to be given as bouquets. English books soon followed, and floriography became somewhat of a mania among the middle and late Victorian eras in England and North America. Dozens of books on the topic were published, many with lovely chromolithographic plates.

The Language of Flowers postcard published by The Regent Publishing Co. Ltd., England, circa 1910

The idea was that by giving someone a bunch of flowers you could convey a coded message which could be decoded by the recipient, merely by consulting a floriographic book. Thus a gift of potted Pansies meant "Pensive Thoughts of You," while a bouquet of Lilies betokened "Purity" or non-sexual love. Red Roses told of "passionate love," but Yellow Roses spoke of "envy." And not only flowers were included in this floral language: Ivy meant "I Cling to You," and a branch of Pine conveyed "steadfastness" and "longevity."

Of course, when the postcard craze of 1907 to 1915 hit, the fine chromolithographic publishers of Germany, England, and the United States rushed to fill the desire for floriographic cards. Such postcards were usually printed and published in sets, ranging from as few as 6 to as many as 80 cards in a set.

Floriography Combined with Other Symbolisms

Instances of flowers alone being used for divination or as message-bearers are numerous in books and on cards, but during the postcard craze, almost as common as the "pure" Floriography card sets, were sets in which Floriography was combined with gemstones and the signs of the zodiac on astrological birthday and birthstone postcards.

E. Nash Gem Birthday Series 1-08, August, Sardonyx, Pansies

One example of the layering of divination or symbol systems is found in in the lovely series of Sentiments of the Months by Raphael Tuck and Sons, in which a dozen flowers are selected to correlate with Astrology. This form of linkage derives from Classical, Medieval, Renaissance, and early Modern tables of correspondences in which herbs, roots, seeds, and flowers were associated with the planetary rulers of the weekdays and the twelve signs of the zodiac, which in turn hold sway over various body parts, and thus could suggest the selection of appropriate plants for medico-magical remedies.

Floriography Today

Floriography is with us still and remains popular among those who work with nature and the botanical world in their spirituality and magic. It is a deep subject with a long history, which i will continue to address here at Your Wate and Fate.

And it is worth noting that there is also a Language of Vegetables, which we will explore at a later date.

E. Nash Motto Series M-6 Postcards, Iris. To receive an Iris in a bouquet means "I have a message for you," and the content of the message will be conveyed by the meanings ascribed to the other flowers in the bouquet.

Finally, because many of the vintage postcards at this site that correlate months of the year with flowers also contain corresponding gemstones and the twelve signs of the zodiac signs, you may also find them double- or triple-listed in the categories of Birthstones and Astrology.

catherine yronwode
curator, historian, and docent
Your Wate and Fate

Special thanks to my dear husband and creative partner nagasiva yronwode for illustrations, scans, and clean-ups.