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File:Acacia.jpg|The Acacia is a symbol the afterlife and of the persistence of the spirit after death. In Freemasonry it symbolizes the immortality of the soul and is employed in funerary services, and in traditional Judaism it is the custom to plant an Acacia on the grave of a loved one. Acacia wood, which is quite resistant to decay, is also mentioned in the Bible as the wood from which both Aaron's rod and the Ark of the Covenant were made. Branches of blooming Acacia make a sturdy bouquet for the bereaved; but some people sneeze when Acacia is in bloom.   
File:Acacia.jpg|The Acacia is a symbol the afterlife and of the persistence of the spirit after death. In Freemasonry it symbolizes the immortality of the soul and is employed in funerary services, and in traditional Judaism it is the custom to plant an Acacia on the grave of a loved one. Acacia wood, which is quite resistant to decay, is also mentioned in the Bible as the wood from which both Aaron's rod and the Ark of the Covenant were made. Branches of blooming Acacia make a sturdy bouquet for the bereaved; but some people sneeze when Acacia is in bloom.   
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File:Althaea.jpg|The Althaea is a symbol of spiritual and therapeutic healing, and of emotional compassion. A member of the Mallow and Hibiscus family, its name means "The Healer" and its mucilaginous root has a long history of medical use in the making of poultices for wounds and decoctions for easing sore throat. In trying times, the Althaea calls in beneficial spirits and helpers who soothe tense thoughts and smooth rough speech. When Althaeas are presented in a bouquet, the meaning is one of caring and amelioration of difficulties, for help is at hand.  
File:Althaea.jpg|The Althaea is a symbol of spiritual and therapeutic healing, and of emotional compassion. A member of the Mallow and Hibiscus family, its name means "The Healer" and its mucilaginous root has a long history of medical use in the making of poultices for wounds and decoctions for easing sore throat. In trying times, the Althaea calls in beneficial spirits and helpers who soothe tense thoughts and smooth rough speech. When Althaeas are presented in a bouquet, the meaning is one of caring and amelioration of difficulties, for help is at hand.  
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File:Apple-Blossom.jpg|The Apple blossom symbolizes anticipation, for it is a Spring-time harbinger of coming harvests. Like other members of the Rose family, it has five petals, so the flowers look like tiny Roses. It is an English custom to go into the Apple orchard on January 6th and sing to the oldest bearing tree, encouraging it to flower and bring in a bountiful crop: "Hats full! Caps full! Bushel, bushel, sacks full! And my pockets full too! Hurrah!" Christians relate the Apple to the temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden; it thus appears in the tarot card of The Lovers.
File:Apple-Blossom.jpg|The Apple blossom symbolizes anticipation, for it is a Spring-time harbinger of coming harvests. Like other members of the Rose family, it has five petals, so the flowers look like tiny Roses. It is an English custom to go into the Apple orchard on January 6th and sing to the oldest bearing tree, encouraging it to flower and bring in a bountiful crop: "Hats full! Caps full! Bushel, bushel, sacks full! And my pockets full too! Hurrah!" Christians relate the Apple to the temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden; it thus appears in the tarot card of The Lovers.
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File:Azalea.jpg|The Azalea is a symbol of feminine beauty, elegance, abundance, temperance, and nurturing. It exemplifies love and gentleness, and its long life and cheerful annual blossoms are an omen of enduring beauty and commitment when planted in the garden. Dark pink Azalea blossoms are a symbol of romance and passion. Because it is a woody shrub and its flowers ade fairly quickly when cut, it is rarely presented in a bouquet, so its beauty, and its meaning in the Language of Flowers is best enjoyed out-of-doors while strolling hand in hand with the one you love.   
File:Azalea.jpg|The Azalea is a symbol of feminine beauty, elegance, abundance, temperance, and nurturing. It exemplifies love and gentleness, and its long life and cheerful annual blossoms are an omen of enduring beauty and commitment when planted in the garden. Dark pink Azalea blossoms are a symbol of romance and passion. Because it is a woody shrub and its flowers ade fairly quickly when cut, it is rarely presented in a bouquet, so its beauty, and its meaning in the Language of Flowers is best enjoyed out-of-doors while strolling hand in hand with the one you love.   
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File:Barberry.jpg|The Barberry or Holy Thorn, also known as Mountain Grape, Oregon Grape, or Yerba de la Sangre ("Herb of the Blood") is a symbol to some of the crucifixion of Jesus, and his crown of thorns. However,its magical and medical attributions are not always religious, for it is used in hoodoo spells to "bar the way" or stop named people from entering a location. Additionally it is a well known folk remedy that reduces fevers and acts as an antiseptic throat wash, and also has mild laxative qualities. Given in a bouquet ,either in flower or in fruit, its spikes are highly protective.
File:Barberry.jpg|The Barberry or Holy Thorn, also known as Mountain Grape, Oregon Grape, or Yerba de la Sangre ("Herb of the Blood") is a symbol to some of the crucifixion of Jesus, and his crown of thorns. However,its magical and medical attributions are not always religious, for it is used in hoodoo spells to "bar the way" or stop named people from entering a location. Additionally it is a well known folk remedy that reduces fevers and acts as an antiseptic throat wash, and also has mild laxative qualities. Given in a bouquet ,either in flower or in fruit, its spikes are highly protective.
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File:Basil.jpg|Basil is a symbol of good wishes, domestic happiness, and a loving marriage. Because it is an herb with inconspicuous flowers, it is rarely given in a bouquet, but it is often presented to newlyweds as a potted plant during a housewarming party. Like many other members of the large Mint or Lamiaceae family, Basil has plentiful uses as a culinary and medicinal herb, and it can also be employed in spells of magic. It is sacred to the Hindu god Vishnu and his consort Tulasi, and in European occultism, it is said to be ruled by the Planet Mars in Scorpio.
File:Basil.jpg|Basil is a symbol of good wishes, domestic happiness, and a loving marriage. Because it is an herb with inconspicuous flowers, it is rarely given in a bouquet, but it is often presented to newlyweds as a potted plant during a housewarming party. Like many other members of the large Mint or Lamiaceae family, Basil has plentiful uses as a culinary and medicinal herb, and it can also be employed in spells of magic. It is sacred to the Hindu god Vishnu and his consort Tulasi, and in European occultism, it is said to be ruled by the Planet Mars in Scorpio.
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File:Begonia.jpg|The Begonia is, a tender tropical flower, comes in many hues, with varied petal forms and spectacularly diverse leaf-shapes. It is a popular potted plant, but in the Language of Flowers, the gift of a Begonia conveys a powerful warning, for it means "Beware!"and alerts the recipient to danger, false friends, untrustworthy family members, a straying spouse, or coming financial ruin. The nature of the trouble is deciphered by the colour of the blossom. For instance, the Yellow Begonia warns of a jealous rival, while the Red Begonia tells of a deceitful lover.  
File:Begonia.jpg|The Begonia is, a tender tropical flower, comes in many hues, with varied petal forms and spectacularly diverse leaf-shapes. It is a popular potted plant, but in the Language of Flowers, the gift of a Begonia conveys a powerful warning, for it means "Beware!"and alerts the recipient to danger, false friends, untrustworthy family members, a straying spouse, or coming financial ruin. The nature of the trouble is deciphered by the colour of the blossom. For instance, the Yellow Begonia warns of a jealous rival, while the Red Begonia tells of a deceitful lover.  
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File:Black-Eyed-Susan.jpg|The Black-Eyed Susan, a member of the large Daisy family, is a symbol of justice, and also represents encouragement and motivation to persist in what is right. It is a hardy native of North America that adapts well to many regions and is the state flower of Maryland. Like other members of its family, the Black-Eyed Susan has a place in herbal medicine, where it provides support to the immune system and is used to treat sores and mild infections. When a bouquet of Black-Eyed Susan is presented as a gift, the message conveyed is one of social and political support.  
File:Black-Eyed-Susan.jpg|The Black-Eyed Susan, a member of the large Daisy family, is a symbol of justice, and also represents encouragement and motivation to persist in what is right. It is a hardy native of North America that adapts well to many regions and is the state flower of Maryland. Like other members of its family, the Black-Eyed Susan has a place in herbal medicine, where it provides support to the immune system and is used to treat sores and mild infections. When a bouquet of Black-Eyed Susan is presented as a gift, the message conveyed is one of social and political support.  
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File:Cactus.jpg|The Cactus family is large and varied, but taken as a whole, the cacti are known for their sharp thorns and extreme drought tolerance. It is no surprise, then, that the Cactus is a symbol of endurance under difficult conditions, persistence in times of poverty, and self-reliance in an inhospitable location. Because of its thorns, the cactus is never given in a bouquet, but the gift of a potted cactus signifies non-aggressive self-protection and emotional feelings under heavy armour. In the Language of Flowers it may also mean, "Touch me at your own risk."  
File:Cactus.jpg|The Cactus family is large and varied, but taken as a whole, the cacti are known for their sharp thorns and extreme drought tolerance. It is no surprise, then, that the Cactus is a symbol of endurance under difficult conditions, persistence in times of poverty, and self-reliance in an inhospitable location. Because of its thorns, the cactus is never given in a bouquet, but the gift of a potted cactus signifies non-aggressive self-protection and emotional feelings under heavy armour. In the Language of Flowers it may also mean, "Touch me at your own risk."  
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File:Calendula.jpg|The Calendula, known in England as the Marigold, is a member of the large and colourful Daisy or Aster family. The "Mary" in its English name refers to the Virgin Mary, and its bright yellow flowers symbolize the Sun. Its American name, Calendula, is Latin for "Little Calendar" or "Little Clock," and refers to its circular form. In hoodoo, the Calendula is one of several yellow Daisies that represent golden coins. It brings good luck in money matters, especially in games of chance, through lucky dreams, and in court-case magic, where a financial settlement will be of benefit.  
File:Calendula.jpg|The Calendula, known in England as the Marigold, is a member of the large and colourful Daisy or Aster family. The "Mary" in its English name refers to the Virgin Mary, and its bright yellow flowers symbolize the Sun. Its American name, Calendula, is Latin for "Little Calendar" or "Little Clock," and refers to its circular form. In hoodoo, the Calendula is one of several yellow Daisies that represent golden coins. It brings good luck in money matters, especially in games of chance, through lucky dreams, and in court-case magic, where a financial settlement will be of benefit.  
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File:Camellia.jpg|The Camellia, like many flowers that come in a range of white, pink, and red blossoms, is associated with love; the white for a crush or new love, the pink for romantic and devoted love, and the red for sexual and marital love. The Camellia is a not a little garden bloom; it can grow to be a sturdy 20 to 30 foot tall tree. In addition, because the Tea plant is a species of Camellia, the Camellia, when floated in a low glass bowl with its leaves, evokes the notion of alertness and vivacity. Just think, every time you read the tea leaves, you are reading a Camellia!  
File:Camellia.jpg|The Camellia, like many flowers that come in a range of white, pink, and red blossoms, is associated with love; the white for a crush or new love, the pink for romantic and devoted love, and the red for sexual and marital love. The Camellia is a not a little garden bloom; it can grow to be a sturdy 20 to 30 foot tall tree. In addition, because the Tea plant is a species of Camellia, the Camellia, when floated in a low glass bowl with its leaves, evokes the notion of alertness and vivacity. Just think, every time you read the tea leaves, you are reading a Camellia!  
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File:Candytuft.jpg|Candytuft is a darling, low-growing woody sub-shrub with white, lilac, or purple blossoms that attract butterflies and bees. It loves to grow in full sunlight and in warm climates it remains evergreen all Winter long. Because of its diminutive habit of stiff, shrubby growth, it is not found in bouquets, but according to the Victorian Language of Flowers. if you are given a little branch of Candytuft in bloom, the meaning it conveys is Indifference and Detachment -- quite an unexpected load of negativity to attribute to this sweetly-named and charming miniature plant.  
File:Candytuft.jpg|Candytuft is a darling, low-growing woody sub-shrub with white, lilac, or purple blossoms that attract butterflies and bees. It loves to grow in full sunlight and in warm climates it remains evergreen all Winter long. Because of its diminutive habit of stiff, shrubby growth, it is not found in bouquets, but according to the Victorian Language of Flowers. if you are given a little branch of Candytuft in bloom, the meaning it conveys is Indifference and Detachment -- quite an unexpected load of negativity to attribute to this sweetly-named and charming miniature plant.  
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File:Carnation.jpg|The Carnation is also known as Clove-Pink or Clove-Gillyflower; the word "Clove" alludes to its fragrance, resembling Clove spice. The Carnation is a symbol of love and fascination, but because it comes in a variety of colours, each tint has a subtly different meaning. White Carnations signify new and hopeful love. Pink Carnations tell of friendship leading to romance. Red Carnations indicate deep heart-felt love. Striped and variegated Carnations warn of fickle love. These rosy-peach Carnations remind us of naked, carnal sexuality with a romantic tinge.  
File:Carnation.jpg|The Carnation is also known as Clove-Pink or Clove-Gillyflower; the word "Clove" alludes to its fragrance, resembling Clove spice. The Carnation is a symbol of love and fascination, but because it comes in a variety of colours, each tint has a subtly different meaning. White Carnations signify new and hopeful love. Pink Carnations tell of friendship leading to romance. Red Carnations indicate deep heart-felt love. Striped and variegated Carnations warn of fickle love. These rosy-peach Carnations remind us of naked, carnal sexuality with a romantic tinge.  
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File:Cattail.jpg|The Cattail or Reed Mace is a symbol of sheltered peace and prosperity ensured by noble patronage. The stalks are tall and thus Cattails are rarely found in small bouquets, but a bunch of these aquatic reeds in a large vase makes a powerful statement when placed on display at the opening of a new shop or business. or in a hotel lobby The messages conveyed are those of financial security and charitable provision for the local community, and of power and strength that supports all those who seek safety and aid under the majesty of a true leader.  
File:Cattail.jpg|The Cattail or Reed Mace is a symbol of sheltered peace and prosperity ensured by noble patronage. The stalks are tall and thus Cattails are rarely found in small bouquets, but a bunch of these aquatic reeds in a large vase makes a powerful statement when placed on display at the opening of a new shop or business. or in a hotel lobby The messages conveyed are those of financial security and charitable provision for the local community, and of power and strength that supports all those who seek safety and aid under the majesty of a true leader.  
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File:Chamomile.jpg|The Chamomile is a small white flower with with a strong, sweet fragrance.  It is a medical remedy that brings restful sleep and good health for children. Magically, because of the flower's golden-yellow centers, Chamomile is also found in spells of money-luck. Finally, like several members of the Daisy or Aster family, Chamomile is widely used to predict love futures by young women, who pull the white petals off one by one, while reciting, "He loves me ... he loves me not," and hoping for a truthful outcome when the final petal is plucked.
File:Chamomile.jpg|The Chamomile is a small white flower with with a strong, sweet fragrance.  It is a medical remedy that brings restful sleep and good health for children. Magically, because of the flower's golden-yellow centers, Chamomile is also found in spells of money-luck. Finally, like several members of the Daisy or Aster family, Chamomile is widely used to predict love futures by young women, who pull the white petals off one by one, while reciting, "He loves me ... he loves me not," and hoping for a truthful outcome when the final petal is plucked.
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File:Chives.jpg|The Chive is best known as a small and mild member of the Onion family, whose fresh leaves and flowers are used in cookery, most often as a garnish. This accords with its symbolic meaning in the Victorian Language of Flowers, where the significance of a Chive flower is Usefulness, Practicality, Fitness, and Effectiveness. Due to the distinctive food-like scent of Chives, they are rarely presented in a bouquet, but a pot of growing Chives makes a lovely house-gift for a cook, as useful as it is pretty. If treated well, it reproduces by division and from seed.
File:Chives.jpg|The Chive is best known as a small and mild member of the Onion family, whose fresh leaves and flowers are used in cookery, most often as a garnish. This accords with its symbolic meaning in the Victorian Language of Flowers, where the significance of a Chive flower is Usefulness, Practicality, Fitness, and Effectiveness. Due to the distinctive food-like scent of Chives, they are rarely presented in a bouquet, but a pot of growing Chives makes a lovely house-gift for a cook, as useful as it is pretty. If treated well, it reproduces by division and from seed.
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File:Chrysanthemum-Yellow.jpg|The Chrysanthemum is generally a symbol of good cheer, but in the Victorian Language of Flowers, the Yellow Chrysanthemum carries the sad connotation of "Slighted Love," and when presented in a bouquet it is anything but encouraging. The recipient mayust ask, "Have i slighted the gift-giver, or is the gift-giver slighting me?" Other flowers in the bouquet will help to interpret the meaning of the message. The Chrysanthemum comes in many beautiful colours and shapes. It is a member of the large Daisy or Aster family and is also known as the national flower of Japan.
File:Chrysanthemum-Yellow.jpg|The Chrysanthemum is generally a symbol of good cheer, but in the Victorian Language of Flowers, the Yellow Chrysanthemum carries the sad connotation of "Slighted Love," and when presented in a bouquet it is anything but encouraging. The recipient mayust ask, "Have i slighted the gift-giver, or is the gift-giver slighting me?" Other flowers in the bouquet will help to interpret the meaning of the message. The Chrysanthemum comes in many beautiful colours and shapes. It is a member of the large Daisy or Aster family and is also known as the national flower of Japan.
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File:Clematis.jpg|The Clematis, known to many as “The Queen of the Vines,” is a beautiful, sun-loving climbing plant with spectacular blossoms. It represents mental beauty and an ingenious or clever mind. It comes in a variety of colours, from the purity of white to the softness of lilac and the harshness of magenta, and including the flashy mentality of pink stripes — but the most beloved form is the  Purple Clematis, which takes the idea of intellectuality to the highest reaches and associates the twining, climbing flower with aspiration, exaltation, and the crown of success.  
File:Clematis.jpg|The Clematis, known to many as “The Queen of the Vines,” is a beautiful, sun-loving climbing plant with spectacular blossoms. It represents mental beauty and an ingenious or clever mind. It comes in a variety of colours, from the purity of white to the softness of lilac and the harshness of magenta, and including the flashy mentality of pink stripes — but the most beloved form is the  Purple Clematis, which takes the idea of intellectuality to the highest reaches and associates the twining, climbing flower with aspiration, exaltation, and the crown of success.  
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File:Clover-Red.jpg|The Red Clover (which is actually pink) is a symbol of abundance and love. Clover of any kind is a wonderfully nutritious forage for livestock, and its growth enriches the soil, so all Clovers represent good fortune and good health. Red Clover is also used in love-magic to ensure a fortunate romance, a prosperous marriage, and conjugal felicity. A well-known hoodoo Love Herb Bath is made by mixing Red Clover Flowers, Lavender, Rosebuds, Damiana, Lovage, Catnip, and Ginger and bathing in it for nine days, then calling the name of the desired partner.
File:Clover-Red.jpg|The Red Clover (which is actually pink) is a symbol of abundance and love. Clover of any kind is a wonderfully nutritious forage for livestock, and its growth enriches the soil, so all Clovers represent good fortune and good health. Red Clover is also used in love-magic to ensure a fortunate romance, a prosperous marriage, and conjugal felicity. A well-known hoodoo Love Herb Bath is made by mixing Red Clover Flowers, Lavender, Rosebuds, Damiana, Lovage, Catnip, and Ginger and bathing in it for nine days, then calling the name of the desired partner.
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File:Clover-White.jpg|The White Clover or Shamrock is a symbol of good fortune and plenitude and is connected to the lore and history of Ireland. The rare Clovers that bear four leaves instead of the usual three are especially lucky, and people often press Four-Leaf Clovers in books as keepsakes. In the Victorian Language of Flowers, the White Clover also carries the additional meaning, "Think of Me," and in African-American hoodoo folk magic, it is used in spells and carried in mojo hands both for luck and for protection from evil and crossed conditions.
File:Clover-White.jpg|The White Clover or Shamrock is a symbol of good fortune and plenitude and is connected to the lore and history of Ireland. The rare Clovers that bear four leaves instead of the usual three are especially lucky, and people often press Four-Leaf Clovers in books as keepsakes. In the Victorian Language of Flowers, the White Clover also carries the additional meaning, "Think of Me," and in African-American hoodoo folk magic, it is used in spells and carried in mojo hands both for luck and for protection from evil and crossed conditions.
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File:Coreopsis.jpg|The Coreopsis is a symbol of happiness, and when presented in a bouquet, its meaning is "Always Cheerful." Like other yellow members of the large Daisy or Aster family, it is associated with the Sun's life-giving solar energy, which warms and stimulates us, Furthermore, because it resembles a golden con, it also symbolizes wealth and prosperity. In the end, whether your joy comes from the ornamental beauty of nature's golden light, or the prospect of holding many coins, the Coreopsis conveys an sunny mood and foretells a brighter day to come.  
File:Coreopsis.jpg|The Coreopsis is a symbol of happiness, and when presented in a bouquet, its meaning is "Always Cheerful." Like other yellow members of the large Daisy or Aster family, it is associated with the Sun's life-giving solar energy, which warms and stimulates us, Furthermore, because it resembles a golden con, it also symbolizes wealth and prosperity. In the end, whether your joy comes from the ornamental beauty of nature's golden light, or the prospect of holding many coins, the Coreopsis conveys an sunny mood and foretells a brighter day to come.  
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File:Cornflower.jpg|The blue Cornflower or Bachelor's Button looks upward to see the blue sky, and thus it symbolizes anticipation and hope for the future. It is a member of the large Daisy or Aster family, and it lends a charming rustic quality to a bouquet of wildflowers given by an unmarried man to the one he favours in romance. As a blue flower, the Bachelor's Button is also one of many similarly-hued blossoms that represent a peaceful and modest home where contentment reigns — which is exactly what the bachelor wants when it comes time to marry and settle down.   
File:Cornflower.jpg|The blue Cornflower or Bachelor's Button looks upward to see the blue sky, and thus it symbolizes anticipation and hope for the future. It is a member of the large Daisy or Aster family, and it lends a charming rustic quality to a bouquet of wildflowers given by an unmarried man to the one he favours in romance. As a blue flower, the Bachelor's Button is also one of many similarly-hued blossoms that represent a peaceful and modest home where contentment reigns — which is exactly what the bachelor wants when it comes time to marry and settle down.   
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File:Crocus.jpg|The Spring Crocus is a symbol of new beginnings, beauty, and joy — but there are many species of Crocus, and among them is one that blooms out of step with the others. This is the magical Autumn or Saffron Crocus, which is cultivated for the three tiny thread-like stigmas within each blossom. When plucked and dried, these are the rare and costly seasoning called saffron, which imparts a golden hue and subtle scent to cooked rice. To serve a man saffron rice is a classical seduction spell, and saffron threads are also found in the best love oils used in magic.  
File:Crocus.jpg|The Spring Crocus is a symbol of new beginnings, beauty, and joy — but there are many species of Crocus, and among them is one that blooms out of step with the others. This is the magical Autumn or Saffron Crocus, which is cultivated for the three tiny thread-like stigmas within each blossom. When plucked and dried, these are the rare and costly seasoning called saffron, which imparts a golden hue and subtle scent to cooked rice. To serve a man saffron rice is a classical seduction spell, and saffron threads are also found in the best love oils used in magic.  
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File:Cyclamen.jpg|The Cyclamen is a peculiar flower. Emerging from a lush bed of patterned and veined green leaves, the tall floral stems bend down to face the earth, but the five petals reflex up and backwards toward the sky, resembling a flock of butterflies. It grows from a plump tuber, but is too fragile for bouquets, so it is given as a potted plant, Associated with the planet Venus, its white, pink, or magenta flowers imply romantic love but, according to the Language of Flowers, when presented to a loved one, its reversed petals convey Resignation, Diffidence, and Farewell.  
File:Cyclamen.jpg|The Cyclamen is a peculiar flower. Emerging from a lush bed of patterned and veined green leaves, the tall floral stems bend down to face the earth, but the five petals reflex up and backwards toward the sky, resembling a flock of butterflies. It grows from a plump tuber, but is too fragile for bouquets, so it is given as a potted plant, Associated with the planet Venus, its white, pink, or magenta flowers imply romantic love but, according to the Language of Flowers, when presented to a loved one, its reversed petals convey Resignation, Diffidence, and Farewell.  
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File:Daisy.jpg|The Daisy is a symbol of innocence, purity, and loyal love. When presented in a bouquet, it assures the recipient of the giver's circumspection, discretion, and willingness to keep a secret, for its meaning in the Victorian Language of Flowers is "I'll never tell." The Daisy is also famous as one of the flowers used in a folkloric divination called "He loves me, he loves me not," in which petals are pulled off the flower one at a time, and the final petal gives the answer to the question of whether a person of interest loves or does not love you.  
File:Daisy.jpg|The Daisy is a symbol of innocence, purity, and loyal love. When presented in a bouquet, it assures the recipient of the giver's circumspection, discretion, and willingness to keep a secret, for its meaning in the Victorian Language of Flowers is "I'll never tell." The Daisy is also famous as one of the flowers used in a folkloric divination called "He loves me, he loves me not," in which petals are pulled off the flower one at a time, and the final petal gives the answer to the question of whether a person of interest loves or does not love you.  
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File:Dandelion2.jpg|The Dandelion, with its sunny yellow flowers, is a symbol of optimism and hope, even in times of negativity or low energy, for just as the dandelion plant, often considered a worthless weed, breaks through barriers and spreads its happiness, so does human courage grow in the waste places of life. Blowing the fluffy plumes and seeds of a Dandelion to the winds is a way of sending your wishes into the world to be fulfilled. Dandelion root tea is said to enhance physic abilities; when used in laundering bed sheets and pillow cases, it brings psychic dreams.
File:Dandelion2.jpg|The Dandelion, with its sunny yellow flowers, is a symbol of optimism and hope, even in times of negativity or low energy, for just as the dandelion plant, often considered a worthless weed, breaks through barriers and spreads its happiness, so does human courage grow in the waste places of life. Blowing the fluffy plumes and seeds of a Dandelion to the winds is a way of sending your wishes into the world to be fulfilled. Dandelion root tea is said to enhance physic abilities; when used in laundering bed sheets and pillow cases, it brings psychic dreams.
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File:Dead-Leaves.jpg|In Victorian manuals of Floriography, symbolic meanings are included for quite a few botanical subjects that are not considered flowers, but which may appear in bouquets -- among them herbs, twigs, leaves, berries, and nuts. Given this variety of possibilities, and the urge to present floral tributes at all seasons of the year, a well-arranged bouquet of Dead Leaves is a gift whose message conveys sadness and depression, and can also be used to signify acquiescence or reluctant acknowledgement of the withered ending of a once-blooming relationship.  
File:Dead-Leaves.jpg|In Victorian manuals of Floriography, symbolic meanings are included for quite a few botanical subjects that are not considered flowers, but which may appear in bouquets -- among them herbs, twigs, leaves, berries, and nuts. Given this variety of possibilities, and the urge to present floral tributes at all seasons of the year, a well-arranged bouquet of Dead Leaves is a gift whose message conveys sadness and depression, and can also be used to signify acquiescence or reluctant acknowledgement of the withered ending of a once-blooming relationship.  
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File:Echinacea.jpg|Sampson Snake Root, also known as Purple Cone Flower or Echinacea, is a symbol of personal power, strength, and health. The roots are carried as a curio in mojo hands for mastery and vigour. In herbal healing, the entire plant is made into a tea that works to fight off colds, influenzas, sore throats, and respiratory infections, as well as cystitis and vaginitis. The medical principles in Sampson Snake Root have been proven effective against bacterial Staphylococcus and Streptococcus infections, as well as fungal yeast infections caused by Candida.
File:Echinacea.jpg|Sampson Snake Root, also known as Purple Cone Flower or Echinacea, is a symbol of personal power, strength, and health. The roots are carried as a curio in mojo hands for mastery and vigour. In herbal healing, the entire plant is made into a tea that works to fight off colds, influenzas, sore throats, and respiratory infections, as well as cystitis and vaginitis. The medical principles in Sampson Snake Root have been proven effective against bacterial Staphylococcus and Streptococcus infections, as well as fungal yeast infections caused by Candida.
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File:Edelweiss.jpg|The Edelweiss is a small, Alpine perennial flower in the large Aster or Daisy family. Its German name means "Noble White," a reference to its high altitude habitat. Its Latin taxonomic name, Leontopodium, means "Lion's Paw," and refers to the soft, furry bracts which surround its tiny yellow flowers. The Edelweiss is a symbol of courage and devotion. It is rarely found in fresh bouquets, but in times past it was often encountered as a pressed flower, given as a souvenir of a mountain climb, especially by a climber to his or her beloved.
File:Edelweiss.jpg|The Edelweiss is a small, Alpine perennial flower in the large Aster or Daisy family. Its German name means "Noble White," a reference to its high altitude habitat. Its Latin taxonomic name, Leontopodium, means "Lion's Paw," and refers to the soft, furry bracts which surround its tiny yellow flowers. The Edelweiss is a symbol of courage and devotion. It is rarely found in fresh bouquets, but in times past it was often encountered as a pressed flower, given as a souvenir of a mountain climb, especially by a climber to his or her beloved.
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File:Fern.jpg|Although the Fern is not a flower, it appears in many bouquets as a symbol of magical fascination, humility, modest confidence, safe shelter, sincerity, the secret bonds of love, new life, and new beginnings. Because it reproduces by spores and bears neither flowers nor seeds, the Fern is associated with the gender-non-binary planet Mercury and the element of Air. Depending on the species, a living Fern may be planted atop a spell-packet for conjugal love. For protection and safety, dried fern leaves may be scattered about or carried in a mojo bag.  
File:Fern.jpg|Although the Fern is not a flower, it appears in many bouquets as a symbol of magical fascination, humility, modest confidence, safe shelter, sincerity, the secret bonds of love, new life, and new beginnings. Because it reproduces by spores and bears neither flowers nor seeds, the Fern is associated with the gender-non-binary planet Mercury and the element of Air. Depending on the species, a living Fern may be planted atop a spell-packet for conjugal love. For protection and safety, dried fern leaves may be scattered about or carried in a mojo bag.  
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File:Flax.jpg|The Flax flower is a symbol of domesticity, a happy home life, female wisdom, and womanly virtue. This is because the strong fibers derived from Flax  stalks are used in spinning and weaving, which was at one time the home occupation of many women. The Flax flower, as well as the act of spinning, is associated with the Norse goddess Freya, who is generally shown spinning Flax fibers into linen threads. Like other blue flowers, Flax carries the connotation of a peaceful home, female dignity, devotion to family, marital commitment, and social maturity
File:Flax.jpg|The Flax flower is a symbol of domesticity, a happy home life, female wisdom, and womanly virtue. This is because the strong fibers derived from Flax  stalks are used in spinning and weaving, which was at one time the home occupation of many women. The Flax flower, as well as the act of spinning, is associated with the Norse goddess Freya, who is generally shown spinning Flax fibers into linen threads. Like other blue flowers, Flax carries the connotation of a peaceful home, female dignity, devotion to family, marital commitment, and social maturity
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File:Fuchsia.jpg|The Fuchsia, also known as Lady's Ear-Drops, is a symbol of fine aesthetic taste and refinement as well as confiding trust and love. The gracefully pendant blossoms have a unique two-part structure, and the inner cup of petals is generally a very different colour than the encircling parts. A bouquet of Fuchsia flowers may resemble a group of ballerinas dancing ''en pointe'' across a stage. Their alternative name, Lady's Ear-Drops, is an old term for earrings, and jewelers have indeed made lovely earrings in the form of Fuchsia flowers, often enamelled in bright colours.  
File:Fuchsia.jpg|The Fuchsia, also known as Lady's Ear-Drops, is a symbol of fine aesthetic taste and refinement as well as confiding trust and love. The gracefully pendant blossoms have a unique two-part structure, and the inner cup of petals is generally a very different colour than the encircling parts. A bouquet of Fuchsia flowers may resemble a group of ballerinas dancing ''en pointe'' across a stage. Their alternative name, Lady's Ear-Drops, is an old term for earrings, and jewelers have indeed made lovely earrings in the form of Fuchsia flowers, often enamelled in bright colours.  
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File:Gardenia.jpg|The Gardenia is a symbol of secret love. Its white colour implies a relationship that is gentle and pure in nature. The plant is, unexpectedly, a member of the Coffee family, and thus the flower is also energizing. Because its large flowers are sweetly scented and long-lasting when cut, the Gardenia is frequently worn as a hair ornament, boutonnière, or corsage. When presented to someone to wear on an evening date, the Gardenia conveys a compliment to the one who receives it, for in the Language of Flowers, it says, "You are lovely, my dear."
File:Gardenia.jpg|The Gardenia is a symbol of secret love. Its white colour implies a relationship that is gentle and pure in nature. The plant is, unexpectedly, a member of the Coffee family, and thus the flower is also energizing. Because its large flowers are sweetly scented and long-lasting when cut, the Gardenia is frequently worn as a hair ornament, boutonnière, or corsage. When presented to someone to wear on an evening date, the Gardenia conveys a compliment to the one who receives it, for in the Language of Flowers, it says, "You are lovely, my dear."
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File:Garlic.jpg|Garlic is a symbol of courage, strength, and protection. It wards off the evil eye, werewolves, vampires, and harmful witchcraft. Braided and hung by the back door or kept in open sight in the kitchen, it protects the home from hexes, curses, and crossed conditions. Added to food as a seasoning, it has medical value, providing antioxidants that support the body's protective mechanisms, reducing blood pressure, helping to lower high cholesterol, strengthening the immune system, and functioning as an antibiotic to assist in the fight against inflammation and disease.
File:Garlic.jpg|Garlic is a symbol of courage, strength, and protection. It wards off the evil eye, werewolves, vampires, and harmful witchcraft. Braided and hung by the back door or kept in open sight in the kitchen, it protects the home from hexes, curses, and crossed conditions. Added to food as a seasoning, it has medical value, providing antioxidants that support the body's protective mechanisms, reducing blood pressure, helping to lower high cholesterol, strengthening the immune system, and functioning as an antibiotic to assist in the fight against inflammation and disease.
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File:Gloxinia.jpg|The Gloxinia is a tuberous perennial native to tropical Brazil and now found world-wide as a Summer garden flower or year-round house plant. After flowering, the tubers are put in a cool, dark area to go dormant; when replanted, they will bloom again. Because it is only 6 to 12 inches tall, the gorgeous Gloxinia is not used in bouquets, but with its massive, colourful flower heads, it makes a splendid potted plant. Ever since the Victorian era, the gift of a potted Gloxinia has been a token of love, and when presented to a crush, its meaning is "Love at First Sight."
File:Gloxinia.jpg|The Gloxinia is a tuberous perennial native to tropical Brazil and now found world-wide as a Summer garden flower or year-round house plant. After flowering, the tubers are put in a cool, dark area to go dormant; when replanted, they will bloom again. Because it is only 6 to 12 inches tall, the gorgeous Gloxinia is not used in bouquets, but with its massive, colourful flower heads, it makes a splendid potted plant. Ever since the Victorian era, the gift of a potted Gloxinia has been a token of love, and when presented to a crush, its meaning is "Love at First Sight."
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File:Hawthorn.jpg|The White Hawthorn flower is a symbol of love, and the bush's thorns also bring protection. In the Victorian Language of Flowers, it symbolizes hope, happiness, and faith. It is considered by many to be the flower that represents the month of May, and on May Day, also known as Beltane, it is the custom to wear sprigs of Hawthorn in the hair. Blooming branchlets are also carried in bridal bouquets. Among the ancient Celts, the Hawthorn was a sacred plant, sometimes called the Fairy Tree. It was said to house ghosts, and to cut down a Hawthorn was a sacrilege.     
File:Hawthorn.jpg|The White Hawthorn flower is a symbol of love, and the bush's thorns also bring protection. In the Victorian Language of Flowers, it symbolizes hope, happiness, and faith. It is considered by many to be the flower that represents the month of May, and on May Day, also known as Beltane, it is the custom to wear sprigs of Hawthorn in the hair. Blooming branchlets are also carried in bridal bouquets. Among the ancient Celts, the Hawthorn was a sacred plant, sometimes called the Fairy Tree. It was said to house ghosts, and to cut down a Hawthorn was a sacrilege.     
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File:Heather.jpg|The Heather is a flower of good fortune, much prized in Scotland. A bunch of Purple, Pink, or Lavender Heather conveys admiration, but can also represent the solitude that comes to those who live apart from the crowd. White Heather, on the other hand, conveys good luck and safety. It is said to grow only on land where no blood has been shed, so Scottish soldiers used to wear small sprigs of White Heather into battle. Its meaning in the Victorian Language of Flowers is, "Your Wishes Will Come True," and for this reason, it is found in wedding bouquets.   
File:Heather.jpg|The Heather is a flower of good fortune, much prized in Scotland. A bunch of Purple, Pink, or Lavender Heather conveys admiration, but can also represent the solitude that comes to those who live apart from the crowd. White Heather, on the other hand, conveys good luck and safety. It is said to grow only on land where no blood has been shed, so Scottish soldiers used to wear small sprigs of White Heather into battle. Its meaning in the Victorian Language of Flowers is, "Your Wishes Will Come True," and for this reason, it is found in wedding bouquets.   
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File:Hibiscus.jpg|The Hibiscus is a warm-climate flower that comes in several colours in the yellow, orange, peach, pink, red, magenta, and purple range, The softer shades of Hibiscus symbolize delicate beauty, romantic love, friendship, hospitality, femininity, and youth, while the brighter shades of Hibiscus represent passion, glory, success, and joy. Closely related to Mallow, Althaea, Rose-of-Sharon, Hollyhock, and Okra, the Hibiscus blooms fleetingly, and is usually kept as a garden flower, but it is so dramatic that it may be worn as an ornament in the hair.  
File:Hibiscus.jpg|The Hibiscus is a warm-climate flower that comes in several colours in the yellow, orange, peach, pink, red, magenta, and purple range, The softer shades of Hibiscus symbolize delicate beauty, romantic love, friendship, hospitality, femininity, and youth, while the brighter shades of Hibiscus represent passion, glory, success, and joy. Closely related to Mallow, Althaea, Rose-of-Sharon, Hollyhock, and Okra, the Hibiscus blooms fleetingly, and is usually kept as a garden flower, but it is so dramatic that it may be worn as an ornament in the hair.  
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File:Honeysuckle.jpg|The Honeysuckle is a vining shrub that bears long, tube-like flowers. In some species the flowers change from virginal white to yellow-gold as they mature and fade; other are two-toned in pink and yellow. The nectar within the flower tubes is sweet to the taste and so copious that people suck it out as a treat, which is why the plant is called "Honeysuckle." Due to its twining growth and delectable nectar, the Honeysuckle symbolizes the sweet bonds of love. Additionally, it is a favourite food-flower of Hummingbirds, which are themselves a symbol of honest and true love.  
File:Honeysuckle.jpg|The Honeysuckle is a vining shrub that bears long, tube-like flowers. In some species the flowers change from virginal white to yellow-gold as they mature and fade; other are two-toned in pink and yellow. The nectar within the flower tubes is sweet to the taste and so copious that people suck it out as a treat, which is why the plant is called "Honeysuckle." Due to its twining growth and delectable nectar, the Honeysuckle symbolizes the sweet bonds of love. Additionally, it is a favourite food-flower of Hummingbirds, which are themselves a symbol of honest and true love.  
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File:Hyacinth.jpg|The Hyacinth symbolizes games, sports, play, rash behaviour, and same-sex love. It was named for the Spartan prince Hyacinthus, a man of unusual beauty and athletic ability who was a lover of the Greek Sun god Apollo, the deity of music, poetry, art, archery, and healing. Pink Hyacinth brings romance to games and play; Red Hyacinth indicates sexual playfulness; Yellow Hyacinth tells of jealousy masquerading as play; Blue Hyacinth is emblematic of constant love; White Hyacinth declares, "I'll Pray for You;" and Purple Hyacinth says, "I am sorry, please forgive me."  
File:Hyacinth.jpg|The Hyacinth symbolizes games, sports, play, rash behaviour, and same-sex love. It was named for the Spartan prince Hyacinthus, a man of unusual beauty and athletic ability who was a lover of the Greek Sun god Apollo, the deity of music, poetry, art, archery, and healing. Pink Hyacinth brings romance to games and play; Red Hyacinth indicates sexual playfulness; Yellow Hyacinth tells of jealousy masquerading as play; Blue Hyacinth is emblematic of constant love; White Hyacinth declares, "I'll Pray for You;" and Purple Hyacinth says, "I am sorry, please forgive me."  
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File:Hydrangea.jpg|The Hydrangea is expressive of many moods. This is due to a unique property of the shrub itself, for its inflorescences are so sensitive to the acidity of the soil that their colour shifts from blue in acid soil to lavender in neutral soil and pink in basic soil. Gardeners exploit this trait by amending the soil to produce a trio of Hydrangea colours in a single garden. The Blue Hydrangea conveys apologies, regrets, and peace offerings. The lavender Hydrangea is neutral, expectant, and patient. The Pink Hydrangea symbolizes love, affection, and sentimentality.  
File:Hydrangea.jpg|The Hydrangea is expressive of many moods. This is due to a unique property of the shrub itself, for its inflorescences are so sensitive to the acidity of the soil that their colour shifts from blue in acid soil to lavender in neutral soil and pink in basic soil. Gardeners exploit this trait by amending the soil to produce a trio of Hydrangea colours in a single garden. The Blue Hydrangea conveys apologies, regrets, and peace offerings. The lavender Hydrangea is neutral, expectant, and patient. The Pink Hydrangea symbolizes love, affection, and sentimentality.  
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File:Iris.jpg|The Iris symbolizes female wisdom, valour, trust, hope, and faith. Its name means "rainbow," because it comes in many colours. Iris was a messenger goddess of the Greeks who ran down the rainbow to deliver good news. The Yellow Iris appears in the tarot card of Temperance and the rainbow is found in the 10 of Cups. The Iris flower resembles female genitalia, and its fragrant rhizome, called Orris Root or Queen Elizabeth Root, is a power curio of women. In Victorian Floriography, a bouquet of Iris says, "My compliments; your friendship means so much to me."
File:Iris.jpg|The Iris symbolizes female wisdom, valour, trust, hope, and faith. Its name means "rainbow," because it comes in many colours. Iris was a messenger goddess of the Greeks who ran down the rainbow to deliver good news. The Yellow Iris appears in the tarot card of Temperance and the rainbow is found in the 10 of Cups. The Iris flower resembles female genitalia, and its fragrant rhizome, called Orris Root or Queen Elizabeth Root, is a power curio of women. In Victorian Floriography, a bouquet of Iris says, "My compliments; your friendship means so much to me."
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File:Ivy.jpg|The Ivy symbolizes clinging love and friendship. It festoons gracefully on a brick building, but smothers trees on which it casts its weight. Juvenile Ivy rambles over the ground, but once it gets its suckers into a tree, it matures, changes the shape of its leaves, then flowers and puts forth toxic blue berries. So different is the young Ivy from the mature tree-smotherer, that the adult form is called The Vine, and was long thought to be a different species from the Ivy. In love, clinging affection is charming, but if carried too far, dependency becomes destructive.  
File:Ivy.jpg|The Ivy symbolizes clinging love and friendship. It festoons gracefully on a brick building, but smothers trees on which it casts its weight. Juvenile Ivy rambles over the ground, but once it gets its suckers into a tree, it matures, changes the shape of its leaves, then flowers and puts forth toxic blue berries. So different is the young Ivy from the mature tree-smotherer, that the adult form is called The Vine, and was long thought to be a different species from the Ivy. In love, clinging affection is charming, but if carried too far, dependency becomes destructive.  
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File:Johnny-Jump-Up.jpg|The Johnny-Jump-Up is a species of Violet, but unlike the Purple Violet, which stands for watchfulness, modesty, and faithfulness, the Johnny-Jump-Up, which suddenly bursts into flower at Winter's, symbolizes male phallic energy, ready to spring into action. All Violets and Pansies have the alternate name of Heart's-Ease, but only the Johnny-Jump-Up represents the victory of masculine kindliness accompanied by visible charisma and good will. The Johnny-Jump-Up is associated with High John the Conquerer Root, another symbol of the victorious man.
File:Johnny-Jump-Up.jpg|The Johnny-Jump-Up is a species of Violet, but unlike the Purple Violet, which stands for watchfulness, modesty, and faithfulness, the Johnny-Jump-Up, which suddenly bursts into flower at Winter's, symbolizes male phallic energy, ready to spring into action. All Violets and Pansies have the alternate name of Heart's-Ease, but only the Johnny-Jump-Up represents the victory of masculine kindliness accompanied by visible charisma and good will. The Johnny-Jump-Up is associated with High John the Conquerer Root, another symbol of the victorious man.
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File:Magnolia.jpg|The Magnolia is a symbol of faithful, married love. Many species of Magnolia trees are grown as garden subjects. Their flowers range in colour from white to pink. Some are deciduous and some are evergreen. The evergreen Magnolia Grandiflora, also known as the Large-Flowered Magnolia or Southern Tree Magnolia, is the biggest and boldest of the lot. It bears enormous white flowers on a huge, long-lived tree. In hoodoo magic, the leaves of the Magnolia Grandiflora are placed between the box springs and mattress of the bed to ensure conjugal fidelity.
File:Magnolia.jpg|The Magnolia is a symbol of faithful, married love. Many species of Magnolia trees are grown as garden subjects. Their flowers range in colour from white to pink. Some are deciduous and some are evergreen. The evergreen Magnolia Grandiflora, also known as the Large-Flowered Magnolia or Southern Tree Magnolia, is the biggest and boldest of the lot. It bears enormous white flowers on a huge, long-lived tree. In hoodoo magic, the leaves of the Magnolia Grandiflora are placed between the box springs and mattress of the bed to ensure conjugal fidelity.
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File:Marigold.jpg|The Mexican Marigold or Tagetes is a member of the large Daisy or Aster family. Not to be confused with the Calendula or European Marigold, this is a New World species. It is used in folk-medicine to treat poor appetite, stomach pain, colic, intestinal worms, coughs, colds, and sore eyes. Extracts of the plant ward off garden pests, especially aphids and planthoppers. This repellant action parallels the Marigold's meaning in the Language of Flowers, where it symbolizes cruelty, grief, and jealousy. Like the Calendula, the Tagetes is associated with the Sun.
File:Marigold.jpg|The Mexican Marigold or Tagetes is a member of the large Daisy or Aster family. Not to be confused with the Calendula or European Marigold, this is a New World species. It is used in folk-medicine to treat poor appetite, stomach pain, colic, intestinal worms, coughs, colds, and sore eyes. Extracts of the plant ward off garden pests, especially aphids and planthoppers. This repellant action parallels the Marigold's meaning in the Language of Flowers, where it symbolizes cruelty, grief, and jealousy. Like the Calendula, the Tagetes is associated with the Sun.
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File:Mint.jpg|Mint is a fragrant herb with a sharp, clean scent. Although its flowers are inconspicuous and it is rarely presented in a bouquet, in the Victorian Language of Flowers it represents Virtue. Mint finds wide use as a fresh culinary herb that lends piquancy to teas and salads. In herbal medicine, Mint is known to ease nausea, calm anxiety, and help clear up coughs, and it is used to flavour less-appealing herbal remedies. In folk-magic it is used for cleansing and protection. There are many species of Mint, and Mint is the type genus of the large Lamiaceaea or Mint family.
File:Mint.jpg|Mint is a fragrant herb with a sharp, clean scent. Although its flowers are inconspicuous and it is rarely presented in a bouquet, in the Victorian Language of Flowers it represents Virtue. Mint finds wide use as a fresh culinary herb that lends piquancy to teas and salads. In herbal medicine, Mint is known to ease nausea, calm anxiety, and help clear up coughs, and it is used to flavour less-appealing herbal remedies. In folk-magic it is used for cleansing and protection. There are many species of Mint, and Mint is the type genus of the large Lamiaceaea or Mint family.
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File:Mock-Orange.jpg|Mock Orange is a large shrub covered in Spring with thousands of white flowers which smell like Orange Blossoms. Because Orange Blossoms symbolize marriage, but Oranges do not grow in cold climates, the Mock Orange takes the Orange Blossom's place in bridal bouquets, and thus its meaning is "Sweet Deceit." This is not treacherous deception, but fragrant emulation, for the Mock Orange is actually in the Hydrangea family! Its Latin name, Philadelphus coronavirus, identifies it as the that crowned the Egyptian king, Ptolemy Philadelphus (285-246 BCE).
File:Mock-Orange.jpg|Mock Orange is a large shrub covered in Spring with thousands of white flowers which smell like Orange Blossoms. Because Orange Blossoms symbolize marriage, but Oranges do not grow in cold climates, the Mock Orange takes the Orange Blossom's place in bridal bouquets, and thus its meaning is "Sweet Deceit." This is not treacherous deception, but fragrant emulation, for the Mock Orange is actually in the Hydrangea family! Its Latin name, Philadelphus coronavirus, identifies it as the that crowned the Egyptian king, Ptolemy Philadelphus (285-246 BCE).
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File:Morning-Glory.jpg|The Morning Glory is a symbol of mortality, in that it blooms gloriously in the morning, but each blossom lasts only a day, and fades away at night; it also represents love in vain or unrequited love and as a twining plant, it represents the power to bind. The seeds are psychedelic, although they carry rough side-effects. A species closely related to the Morning Glory is the white Moonflower, which blooms only at night and is symbolic of psychism. Both flowers are also related to High John the Conqueror, a famed hoodoo root carried for male power and vitality.  
File:Morning-Glory.jpg|The Morning Glory is a symbol of mortality, in that it blooms gloriously in the morning, but each blossom lasts only a day, and fades away at night; it also represents love in vain or unrequited love and as a twining plant, it represents the power to bind. The seeds are psychedelic, although they carry rough side-effects. A species closely related to the Morning Glory is the white Moonflower, which blooms only at night and is symbolic of psychism. Both flowers are also related to High John the Conqueror, a famed hoodoo root carried for male power and vitality.  
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File:Motherwort.jpg|Motherwort (which means Mother-Root in Old English) is a symbol of strong maternal love and protection, and it is found in hoodoo spells that aid women and children. A member of the Mint family, it is used medically to stop bleeding, treat heart conditions, allay menstrual irregularity and ease menopause. Its taxonomic name is Leonurus cardiaca ("Lion-Tail for the Heart") and thus it is associated with the zodiacal sign Leo and the tarot cards of Strength, the lady who tames a Lion, and the Queen of Wands, the woman seated on a Lion throne with herbs in her crown.
File:Motherwort.jpg|Motherwort (which means Mother-Root in Old English) is a symbol of strong maternal love and protection, and it is found in hoodoo spells that aid women and children. A member of the Mint family, it is used medically to stop bleeding, treat heart conditions, allay menstrual irregularity and ease menopause. Its taxonomic name is Leonurus cardiaca ("Lion-Tail for the Heart") and thus it is associated with the zodiacal sign Leo and the tarot cards of Strength, the lady who tames a Lion, and the Queen of Wands, the woman seated on a Lion throne with herbs in her crown.
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File:Myrtle.jpg|"The Myrtle so bright, with its emerald hue" is a flower of contradictions. Its fragrant white flowers and deep green leaves smell sweet, but its taste is very bitter. Under the Hebrew name Hadassah, it is the emblem of the Biblical Queen Esther, who hid her true name and ethnicity, displayed her sweetness and grace to the King of Persia, became his wife, and was thus able to bitterly destroy Haman, who had sought to commit genocide against the Jews. In the Victorian Language of Flowers, Myrtle is called Love in a Marriage, the Sweet with the Bitter.
File:Myrtle.jpg|"The Myrtle so bright, with its emerald hue" is a flower of contradictions. Its fragrant white flowers and deep green leaves smell sweet, but its taste is very bitter. Under the Hebrew name Hadassah, it is the emblem of the Biblical Queen Esther, who hid her true name and ethnicity, displayed her sweetness and grace to the King of Persia, became his wife, and was thus able to bitterly destroy Haman, who had sought to commit genocide against the Jews. In the Victorian Language of Flowers, Myrtle is called Love in a Marriage, the Sweet with the Bitter.
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File:Oak-Leaf-and-Acorn.jpg|The Oak Tree is a symbol of stability, endurance, attainment, justice, robust health, and longevity. The Oak Leaf is a symbol of wisdom and honesty, while the Oak Acorn is a symbol of fertility and the steady growth and unfoldment of wealth, and dignified social position. Venerated by the ancient Greeks as a tree of the great god Zeus and by the ancient Druids as a kingly, sacred tree, the Oak also appears in silhouette on several tarot cards, including the Knight of Pentacles and Knight of Cups. Lightning-struck Oak wood is used in folk magic as a symbol of power.  
File:Oak-Leaf-and-Acorn.jpg|The Oak Tree is a symbol of stability, endurance, attainment, justice, robust health, and longevity. The Oak Leaf is a symbol of wisdom and honesty, while the Oak Acorn is a symbol of fertility and the steady growth and unfoldment of wealth, and dignified social position. Venerated by the ancient Greeks as a tree of the great god Zeus and by the ancient Druids as a kingly, sacred tree, the Oak also appears in silhouette on several tarot cards, including the Knight of Pentacles and Knight of Cups. Lightning-struck Oak wood is used in folk magic as a symbol of power.  
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File:Palm.jpg|The Date Palm frond is a symbol of victory, success, and eternal life. To Jews, it represents kingly rulership, and the phallic tree with its testicular fruits demonstrate male energy and potency in the tarot card of the High Priestess. To Catholics, the Palm represents victory mingled with sacrifice, for as King Jesus entered Jerusalem, Palm fronds were laid down for his donkey to walk upon, but within days he hung upon the cross to atone for the sins of the world. For this reason, Catholic saints who died defending their faith hold the Palm of triumphant martyrdom.
File:Palm.jpg|The Date Palm frond is a symbol of victory, success, and eternal life. To Jews, it represents kingly rulership, and the phallic tree with its testicular fruits demonstrate male energy and potency in the tarot card of the High Priestess. To Catholics, the Palm represents victory mingled with sacrifice, for as King Jesus entered Jerusalem, Palm fronds were laid down for his donkey to walk upon, but within days he hung upon the cross to atone for the sins of the world. For this reason, Catholic saints who died defending their faith hold the Palm of triumphant martyrdom.
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File:Periwinkle.jpg|Periwinkle leaves and flowers have long been reputed to enhance conjugal felicity, pleasure, and happiness among married couples and those who share a home. This belief seems to have been based on the way that the Periwinkle twines and clings to walls in a loving, tender way and displays its leaves in perfect pairs, all the way along the stem. The blue flowers of the Periwinkle are also said to be symbolic of spiritual peace and harmony, and to improve marital relations, ensure fidelity, put an end to domestic disputes, and soothe away all family troubles.
File:Periwinkle.jpg|Periwinkle leaves and flowers have long been reputed to enhance conjugal felicity, pleasure, and happiness among married couples and those who share a home. This belief seems to have been based on the way that the Periwinkle twines and clings to walls in a loving, tender way and displays its leaves in perfect pairs, all the way along the stem. The blue flowers of the Periwinkle are also said to be symbolic of spiritual peace and harmony, and to improve marital relations, ensure fidelity, put an end to domestic disputes, and soothe away all family troubles.
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File:Petunia.jpg|The Petunia is a symbol of petulance. Short-stemmed and spreading, it is available in solid, striped, and spotted varieties. It comes in a wide range of colours, and each of these hues has a well-known symbolic meaning that modifies the basic message. Being a low-grower, the Petunia is not presented in bouquets, but it may be given to a friend in the form of a potted plant in full bloom. According to the Victorian Language of Flowers, the meaning of the potted Petunia is "I Feel Resentment and Anger -- But Your Presence Soothes Me."
File:Petunia.jpg|The Petunia is a symbol of petulance. Short-stemmed and spreading, it is available in solid, striped, and spotted varieties. It comes in a wide range of colours, and each of these hues has a well-known symbolic meaning that modifies the basic message. Being a low-grower, the Petunia is not presented in bouquets, but it may be given to a friend in the form of a potted plant in full bloom. According to the Victorian Language of Flowers, the meaning of the potted Petunia is "I Feel Resentment and Anger -- But Your Presence Soothes Me."
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File:Banksia-Rose.jpg|The Banksia or Yellow Lady Banks Rose is, like other Roses, a symbol of love, but it differs from other Roses in many ways. First, it is virtually thornless, with very soft petals, representing the gentlest of love. Second, it blooms all along its lengthy canes, not at the tips. Third, it does not smell like a Rose, but has the fragrance of Violets, giving it the soothing qualities of Pansy or Heart's Ease. Fourth, it blooms a full month ahead of any other Rose. And fifth, it is tender-hearted, a native of Southern China that only thrives in regions with the lightest of Winter frosts.
File:Banksia-Rose.jpg|The Banksia or Yellow Lady Banks Rose is, like other Roses, a symbol of love, but it differs from other Roses in many ways. First, it is virtually thornless, with very soft petals, representing the gentlest of love. Second, it blooms all along its lengthy canes, not at the tips. Third, it does not smell like a Rose, but has the fragrance of Violets, giving it the soothing qualities of Pansy or Heart's Ease. Fourth, it blooms a full month ahead of any other Rose. And fifth, it is tender-hearted, a native of Southern China that only thrives in regions with the lightest of Winter frosts.
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File:Chicago-Peace-Rose.jpg|The Rose is a symbol of love and affection, associated with the planet Venus. The "Chicago Peace Rose" is a highly coloured sport of the well-known and paler "Peace Rose," which was introduced in 1945 to commemorate the end of World War Two. By the time that the vividly-tinted "Chicago Peace" was found in a garden in Chicago and introduced to the public in 1962, America had put the War behind and was ready for the hot-hued Swinging Sixties. In more recent years, "Chicago Peace" has come to symbolize hope for an end to gun violence in the Windy City.
File:Chicago-Peace-Rose.jpg|The Rose is a symbol of love and affection, associated with the planet Venus. The "Chicago Peace Rose" is a highly coloured sport of the well-known and paler "Peace Rose," which was introduced in 1945 to commemorate the end of World War Two. By the time that the vividly-tinted "Chicago Peace" was found in a garden in Chicago and introduced to the public in 1962, America had put the War behind and was ready for the hot-hued Swinging Sixties. In more recent years, "Chicago Peace" has come to symbolize hope for an end to gun violence in the Windy City.
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File:Rose-Hips.jpg|The five-petalled Wild Rose, when given in a bouquet, is a symbol of spontaneous and free love. Rose Hips, the edible apple-like fruits of the Rose which ripen in Fall, make eccentric bouquets which are emblematic of good health and a cheerful disposition. They come in many colours, just like Apples do, from red and orange through yellow and green, and some are even black. High in natural Vitamin C, Rose Hips, when taken as a tea or made into jam, support the growth and repair of all body tissues, and uplift the immune system.  
File:Rose-Hips.jpg|The five-petalled Wild Rose, when given in a bouquet, is a symbol of spontaneous and free love. Rose Hips, the edible apple-like fruits of the Rose which ripen in Fall, make eccentric bouquets which are emblematic of good health and a cheerful disposition. They come in many colours, just like Apples do, from red and orange through yellow and green, and some are even black. High in natural Vitamin C, Rose Hips, when taken as a tea or made into jam, support the growth and repair of all body tissues, and uplift the immune system.  
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File:Yellow-Rose.jpg|The Yellow Rose is traditionally said to represent the emotion of envy or jealousy, although in modern times florists have tried to replace that meaning with the comforting idea that it stands for friendship and joy. "The Yellow Rose of Texas" is a famous song about a beautiful mixed-race woman who played a part in the War of Texas Independence in the 1830s, and for this reason, the Yellow Rose is also a highly positive symbol to those who are not members of upper-class White society, but whose radiant beauty has become the envy of others.
File:Yellow-Rose.jpg|The Yellow Rose is traditionally said to represent the emotion of envy or jealousy, although in modern times florists have tried to replace that meaning with the comforting idea that it stands for friendship and joy. "The Yellow Rose of Texas" is a famous song about a beautiful mixed-race woman who played a part in the War of Texas Independence in the 1830s, and for this reason, the Yellow Rose is also a highly positive symbol to those who are not members of upper-class White society, but whose radiant beauty has become the envy of others.
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File:Sage.jpg|The Sage or Salvia is a symbol of wisdom and immortality, and is associated with the planet Jupiter and his day, Thursday. The lavender-blue Sage seen here has the additional meaning of "I think of You." Sage is also a popular incense for energy-cleansing, although some people are allergic to its fumes. Botanists and herbalists know that Sage is a member of the aromatic Mint family, which also includes its cousins Rosemary, Lavender, Catnip, Oregano, Dittany of Crete, Thyme, and many other fragrant culinary, medical, and magical uses.
File:Sage.jpg|The Sage or Salvia is a symbol of wisdom and immortality, and is associated with the planet Jupiter and his day, Thursday. The lavender-blue Sage seen here has the additional meaning of "I think of You." Sage is also a popular incense for energy-cleansing, although some people are allergic to its fumes. Botanists and herbalists know that Sage is a member of the aromatic Mint family, which also includes its cousins Rosemary, Lavender, Catnip, Oregano, Dittany of Crete, Thyme, and many other fragrant culinary, medical, and magical uses.
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File:Sweet-Pea.jpg|The tall and fragrant Sweet Pea, which comes in a rich array of hues, from white and ivory through peach, pink, magenta, and purple, is a close relative of the Garden Pea and the Wistaria. Taken on its own, it is a symbol of blissful pleasures, but if it is presented in a bouquet, it also conveys the meaning of a fond farewell. Thus, when a hostess cuts bunches of freshly blooming Sweet Peas from her garden, in all their many colours, and gives them to her departing guests, she is effectively saying, "Good-bye and thank you for a lovely time."
File:Sweet-Pea.jpg|The tall and fragrant Sweet Pea, which comes in a rich array of hues, from white and ivory through peach, pink, magenta, and purple, is a close relative of the Garden Pea and the Wistaria. Taken on its own, it is a symbol of blissful pleasures, but if it is presented in a bouquet, it also conveys the meaning of a fond farewell. Thus, when a hostess cuts bunches of freshly blooming Sweet Peas from her garden, in all their many colours, and gives them to her departing guests, she is effectively saying, "Good-bye and thank you for a lovely time."
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File:Tansy.jpg|The Tansy, a pretty yellow button-shaped flower in the Daisy family, is a symbol of hostile thoughts and declarations of war. This is likely due to the fact that although the Tansy is associated with Venus, the planet of love, and with Gemini, the zodiacal sign of communication, it also contains a toxic load of Thujone, a natural botanical chemical that, when ingested, can cause death in livestock and human beings. In fact, one old household remedy to keep ants and fleas away from the home consists of planting Tansy flowers all around the perimeter of the house.
File:Tansy.jpg|The Tansy, a pretty yellow button-shaped flower in the Daisy family, is a symbol of hostile thoughts and declarations of war. This is likely due to the fact that although the Tansy is associated with Venus, the planet of love, and with Gemini, the zodiacal sign of communication, it also contains a toxic load of Thujone, a natural botanical chemical that, when ingested, can cause death in livestock and human beings. In fact, one old household remedy to keep ants and fleas away from the home consists of planting Tansy flowers all around the perimeter of the house.
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File:Thistle.jpg|The symbolism of the prickly Thistle varies by region. In Scotland it exemplifies bravery, courage, and loyalty in the face of treachery, and its purple blossom signifies royalty and noble character. In Romania it brings luck. Where the Thistle invades pastures, it represents aggressiveness and pain. In the Bible Thistles symbolize desolate lands. The Blessed Thistle has healing powers and supports breastfeeding; Medieval Benedictine monks used it to combat the bubonic plague, and in African American hoodoo it is found in protective teas and floor washes.  
File:Thistle.jpg|The symbolism of the prickly Thistle varies by region. In Scotland it exemplifies bravery, courage, and loyalty in the face of treachery, and its purple blossom signifies royalty and noble character. In Romania it brings luck. Where the Thistle invades pastures, it represents aggressiveness and pain. In the Bible Thistles symbolize desolate lands. The Blessed Thistle has healing powers and supports breastfeeding; Medieval Benedictine monks used it to combat the bubonic plague, and in African American hoodoo it is found in protective teas and floor washes.  
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File:Tulip.jpg|The Tulip is a symbol of a perfect lover. They come in many colours and each one has a meaning, so a bouquet of assorted Tulips can be "read" like a letter. The Yellow Tulip conveys good cheer: "There's Sunshine in your smile." The Red Tulip signifies passion or a declaration of love: "Believe me."  The Pink Tulip implies friendship: "You are sweet." The Burgundy Tulip stands for respect: "I admire you." The Purple Tulip tells of fame and honour: "You rule my heart." The variegated Tulip expresses fascination: "I am lost in the gaze of your beautiful eyes."
File:Tulip.jpg|The Tulip is a symbol of a perfect lover. They come in many colours and each one has a meaning, so a bouquet of assorted Tulips can be "read" like a letter. The Yellow Tulip conveys good cheer: "There's Sunshine in your smile." The Red Tulip signifies passion or a declaration of love: "Believe me."  The Pink Tulip implies friendship: "You are sweet." The Burgundy Tulip stands for respect: "I admire you." The Purple Tulip tells of fame and honour: "You rule my heart." The variegated Tulip expresses fascination: "I am lost in the gaze of your beautiful eyes."
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File:Water-Lily.jpg|The Water Lily is a symbol of purity, hope, birth, wellness, enlightenment, and peace. Cultures all around the world associate Water Lilies with gods, goddesses, meditation, and spirituality, and it also appears in the tarot cards for the Ace of Cups and the Page of Cups. Another name for the Water Lily is the Lotus, and the plant's habit of growth, rooted on the bottom of ponds, but sending its leaves and flowers aloft to reach the light of the Sun, has given to the saying, "Out of the mud springs the Lotus," implying that Spirit is free from earthly encumbrances.
File:Water-Lily.jpg|The Water Lily is a symbol of purity, hope, birth, wellness, enlightenment, and peace. Cultures all around the world associate Water Lilies with gods, goddesses, meditation, and spirituality, and it also appears in the tarot cards for the Ace of Cups and the Page of Cups. Another name for the Water Lily is the Lotus, and the plant's habit of growth, rooted on the bottom of ponds, but sending its leaves and flowers aloft to reach the light of the Sun, has given to the saying, "Out of the mud springs the Lotus," implying that Spirit is free from earthly encumbrances.
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<gallery widths="400px" heights="450px" perrow="2" align="center; cellspacing=8px; cellpadding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;">
<gallery widths="400px" heights="430px" perrow="2" align="center; cellspacing=8px; cellpadding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;">

File:Acacia.jpg|The Acacia is a symbol the afterlife and of the persistence of the spirit after death. In Freemasonry it symbolizes the immortality of the soul and is employed in funerary services, and in traditional Judaism it is the custom to plant an Acacia on the grave of a loved one. Acacia wood, which is quite resistant to decay, is also mentioned in the Bible as the wood from which both Aaron's rod and the Ark of the Covenant were made. Branches of blooming Acacia make a sturdy bouquet for the bereaved; but some people sneeze when Acacia is in bloom.   
File:Acacia.jpg|The Acacia is a symbol the afterlife and of the persistence of the spirit after death. In Freemasonry it symbolizes the immortality of the soul and is employed in funerary services, and in traditional Judaism it is the custom to plant an Acacia on the grave of a loved one. Acacia wood, which is quite resistant to decay, is also mentioned in the Bible as the wood from which both Aaron's rod and the Ark of the Covenant were made. Branches of blooming Acacia make a sturdy bouquet for the bereaved; but some people sneeze when Acacia is in bloom.   

Revision as of 21:47, 2 April 2023


In this installment of "Your Wate and Fate," we take a sneak-peek look at an upcoming page that will eventually be on display to the public. As a Patreon supporter, you have access to the page one full year before the public does.

  • Patreon Release Date: September 7th, 2022.
  • Public Release Date: September 7th, 2023.

Please tell your friends that they can subscribe to my Patreon stream for $2.00 per week:

To discuss this and other Your Wate and Fate pages with me, join my private Patreon Forum here:

Support Your Wate and Fate

Patreon Supporters Only: On public view September 7th, 2023

All of the material you have access to here -- the instructive booklets, the nostalgic business cards, the boldly graphic postcards, and all of the historical information researched and shared from the mind of the woman who is making it all happen -- can easily fit into one 8 x 10 foot room in an old Victorian farmhouse, but you would never see it without the investment of the time it takes to produce such a site and the caloric input such a site requires in the form of food for the writer, graphic designer, and database manager, as well as the US currency needed to pay for the computers, software applications, scanners, electricity, and internet connectivity that bring it out of that little room and into the world. So, as you can see, this site is the darling of many, and it is growing at a rapid rate ... but although it is "free," there also is a cost. Your financial support underwrites this cost.

Each new web page or sample pdf is circulated to Patrons as an unpublished galley proof or advance copy. After one year access for Patrons, each web page will be released to the public, while book pages will be available to the public as printed books, and copies will be sent to Patrons who subscribe at the upper two tiers.

Patrons have access to a Private Patreon sub-forum within the Lucky Mojo Forum, and will be accorded special Red Star Avatar badges at the Forum.

Floriography or The Language of Flowers

Hi, this is cat. As many of you know, nagasiva and i have been producing mini-ads that announce when i am online at Hoodoo Psychics. (Wait. Stop. If you don't know about Hoodoo Psychics, it is the coolest psychic line on the internet. Go to right now and check it out. If you go to the Hoodoo Psychics Facebook page at facebook/com/hoodoopsychics and like it, you can sign up for a FREE PSYCHIC READING GIVEAWAY every Monday, and if you win, you can pick any Hoodoo Psychics reader you want, including me!)

Okay, so starting in October 2020, i made a commitment to go live on Hoodoo Psychics once a week. To let people know when i was available, i wrote, and siva photoshopped, one entry of floral symbolism each week, to fit the Facebook and Lucky Mojo Forum format. I drew upon my collection of antique 19th century floriography books, and early 20th century floriographic postcards. This is an unusual project for us, since i am doing the writing and he is producing the art.

Through these ads we were able to give folks a taste of floriography and to promote my reading career at the same time.

In January 2021 i started an Instagram account.

In November 2021 i decided to go live on Hoodoo Psychics twice a week, and also to redesign the flower photos to fit the squarish Instagram format. Some of the vertical Facebook images were reconfigured to fit the Instagram format, and some never made the transition.

As it has turned out. Instagram hasn't done much for me -- all of my followers and friends find me through Facebook, the Lucky Mojo Forum, and our weekly radio show. The only good thing about IG is that cute little squarish layout, like an endless run of nine-patch quilt blocks.

By September 2022, we had more than 90 flowers and their meanings completed -- some vertical, some squarish, and some in both formats. It was while working on the latest week's text that i suddenly had the desire to publish the whole lot as a stand-alone project. I realized that if i took the Hoodoo Psychics ad material off the image and simply ran the name of the flower and a few keywords, followed by the text, i would have produced a teaching tool and fortune telling device in one item.

I introduced the idea on the Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour for September 3rd, 2022, and asked listeners for their opinions. I got some great feedback -- but i also feel that you folks, my Patrons, know better than most what it is that i do and what makes me tick.

So i am bringing the question to you.

This is our first pass-through of a new fortune-telling oracle by means of the Language of Flowers. This page contains 24 flowers and their meanings, and there will be a total of 4 such pages.

This page is comprised of the more-or-less square forms (600 x 650 pixels at raw size), which were designed for use at Instagram. As you can see, each image had a block of type beneath it, approximately 100 words in length. This format or aspect ratio would more or less fit on the page of a 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" book in which the live text/art area is 4' x 6" But it would not work as a deck of cards.

Next week we will try out a more vertical format (600 x 900 pixels at raw size), which were designed for use at Facebook and the Lucky Mojo Forum. This is an aspect ratio similar to a a playing card or trading card. In this format, the image, with the flower name, and a few keywords, would fill a full book page or go on the front of a card, and the text would go on a facing book page or on the back of a card.

There will be four different weekly releases -- a total of more than 90 different flowers in all -- and during this time, we want to hear from you. What should we do with the material?

A Floriomantic Freebie, Supported by Patrons?

  • Keep it as a web page with low-resolution (72 dpi) graphics:
  • It could be used to teach the Language of Flowers.
  • It could not easily be used for fortune telling because there is no way to perform sortilege on a static web page.
  • Square format reads faster as you scroll.
  • Vertical format is more impressive to look at.

An Illustrated Book on Floriography or The Language of Flowers?

  • Use the square format to produce a high-resolution (600 dpi) printed book.
  • It could be used to teach the Language of Flowers.
  • It could not easily be used for fortune telling unless one approached it as a form of bibliomancy, opening pages at random.

The Floral Oracle, or Fortunes in Flowers?

  • Use the vertical format to produce a high-resolution (600 dpi) deck of oracle cards
  • It could be used to teach the Language of Flowers.
  • It could easily be used for fortune telling by shuffling and dealing out a "three-card bouquet" for floriomancy
  • Card decks are expensive to produce and this one would have more than 90 cards, making it fairly costly.

Don't Choose Yet. Wait Until Next Week!

Don't choose which format you think is best until you see Week Two, with a different batch of flowers, all presented in the vertical format. We want you to view both formats, for a fair comparison.

And now ... the first batch, in squarish format:

A Symbolic Bouquet of Meaningful Blossoms

To Discuss This Patreon Page

This Patreon Bonus Page is part of the series titled "Your Wate and Fate." To discuss it with me and the Patreon community, please visit our Private Patreon Forum at

Thank you.

catherine yronwode
curator, historian, and docent
Your Wate and Fate

Special thanks to my dear husband and creative partner nagasiva yronwode for illustrations, scans, and clean-ups.