The Floral Oracle by Catherine and Nagasiva Yronwode: Difference between revisions

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File:Crocus.jpg|The Spring Crocus is a symbol of new beginnings, beauty, and joy — but there are many species of Crocus, and among them is one that blooms out of step with the others. This is the magical Autumn or Saffron Crocus, which is cultivated for the three tiny thread-like stigmas within each blossom. When plucked and dried, these are the rare and costly seasoning called saffron, which imparts a golden hue and subtle scent to cooked rice. To serve a man saffron rice is a classical seduction spell, and saffron threads are also found in the best love oils used in magic.  
File:Crocus.jpg|The Spring Crocus is a symbol of new beginnings, beauty, and joy — but there are many species of Crocus, and among them is one that blooms out of step with the others. This is the magical Autumn or Saffron Crocus, which is cultivated for the three tiny thread-like stigmas within each blossom. When plucked and dried, these are the rare and costly seasoning called saffron, which imparts a golden hue and subtle scent to cooked rice. To serve a man saffron rice is a classical seduction spell, and saffron threads are also found in the best love oils used in magic.  

File:Cyclamen.jpg|The Cyclamen is a peculiar flower. Emerging from a lush bed of patterned and veined green leaves, the tall floral stems bend downward to face the earth, but the five petals reflex up and backwards toward the sky, resembling a flock of butterflies. Cyclamen is associated with the planet Venus and its white, pink, or magenta flowers carry strong implications of romantic love. As a perennial, it grows from a plump tuber, but because its structure is that of a delicate woodland plant, it is not gathered into bouquets; rather it is given as a potted plant, and, according to the Victorian Language of Flowers, when presented to a loved one, its reversed petals lend it the meaning of Resignation, Diffidence, and Farewell.
File:Cyclamen.jpg|The Cyclamen is a peculiar flower. Emerging from a lush bed of patterned and veined green leaves, the tall floral stems bend down to face the earth, but the five petals reflex up and backwards toward the sky, resembling a flock of butterflies. It grows from a plump tuber, but is too fragile for bouquets, so it is given as a potted plant, Associated with the planet Venus, its white, pink, or magenta flowers imply romantic love but, according to the Language of Flowers, when presented to a loved one, its reversed petals convey Resignation, Diffidence, and Farewell.
File:Daisy.jpg|The Daisy is a symbol of innocence, purity, and loyal love. When presented in a bouquet, it assures the recipient of the giver's circumspection, discretion, and willingness to keep a secret, for its meaning in the Victorian Language of Flowers is "I'll never tell." The Daisy is also famous as one of the flowers used in a folkloric divination called "He loves me, he loves me not," in which petals are pulled off the flower one at a time, and the final petal gives the answer to the question of whether a person of interest loves or does not love you.  

File:Daisy.jpg|The Daisy is a symbol of innocence, purity, and loyal love. When presented in a bouquet, its meaning is, "I'll never tell." It is also famous as the flower used in a folkloric divination called "He loves me, he loves me not," in which petals are pulled off the flower one at a time, and the final petal gives the answer to the question of whether a person of interest loves or does not love you.

Revision as of 07:43, 8 September 2022


In this installment of "Your Wate and Fate," we take a sneak-peek look at an upcoming page that will eventually be on display to the public. As a Patreon supporter, you have access to the page one full year before the public does.

  • Patreon Release Date: September 7th, 2022.
  • Public Release Date: September 7th, 2023.

Please tell your friends that they can subscribe to my Patreon stream for $2.00 per week:

To discuss this and other Your Wate and Fate pages with me, join my private Patreon Forum here:

Support Your Wate and Fate

Patreon Supporters Only: On public view September 7th, 2023

All of the material you have access to here -- the fabulous tea cups, the instructive booklets, the nostalgic postcards, the boldly graphic matchbook covers, and all of the historical information researched and shared from the mind of the woman who is making it all happen -- can easily fit into one 8 x 10 foot room in an old Victorian farmhouse, but you would never see it without the investment of the time it takes to produce such a site and the caloric input such a site requires in the form of food for the writer, graphic designer, and database manager, as well as the US currency needed to pay for the computers, software applications, scanners, electricity, and internet connectivity that bring it out of that little room and into the world. So, as you can see, this site is the darling of many, and it is growing at a rapid rate ... but although it is "free," there also is a cost. Your financial support underwrites this cost.

Each new web page or sample pdf is circulated to Patrons as an unpublished galley proof or advance copy. After one year access for Patrons, each web page will be released to the public, while book pages will be available to the public as printed books, and copies will be sent to Patrons who subscribe at the upper two tiers.

Patrons have access to a Private Patreon sub-forum within the Lucky Mojo Forum, and will be accorded special Red Star Avatar badges at the Forum.

Floriography or The Language of Flowers

Hi, this is cat. As many of you know, nagasiva and i have been producing mini-ads that announce when i am online at Hoodoo Psychics. (Wait. Stop. If you don't know about Hoodoo Psychics, it is the coolest psychic line on the internet. Go to right now and check it out. If you go to the Hoodoo Psychics Facebook page at facebook/com/hoodoopsychics and like it, you can sign up for a FREE PSYCHIC READING GIVEAWAY every Monday, and if you win, you can pick any Hoodoo Psychics reader you want, including me!)

Okay, so starting in October 2020, i made a commitment to go live on Hoodoo Psychics once a week. To let people know when i was available, i wrote, and siva photoshopped, one entry of floral symbolism each week, to fit the Facebook and Lucky Mojo Forum format. I drew upon my collection of antique 19th century floriography books, and early 20th century floriographic postcards. This is an unusual project for us, since i am doing the writing and he is producing the art.

Through these ads we were able to give folks a taste of floriography and to promote my reading career at the same time.

In January 2021 i started an Instagram account.

In November 2021 i decided to go live on Hoodoo Psychics twice a week, and also to redesign the flower photos to fit the squarish Instagram format. Some of the vertical Facebook images were reconfigured to fit the Instagram format, and some never made the transition.

As it has turned out. Instagram hasn't done much for me -- all of my followers and friends find me through Facebook, the Lucky Mojo Forum, and our weekly radio show. The only good thing about IG is that cute little squarish layout, like an endless run of nine-patch quilt blocks.

By September 2022, we had more than 90 flowers and their meanings completed -- some vertical, some squarish, and some in both formats. It was while working on the latest week's text that i suddenly had the desire to publish the whole lot as a stand-alone project. I realized that if i took the Hoodoo Psychics ad material off the image and simply ran the name of the flower and a few keywords, followed by the text, i would have produced a teaching tool and fortune telling device in one item.

I introduced the idea on the Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour for September 3rd, 2022, and asked listeners for their opinions. I got some great feedback -- but i also feel that you folks, my Patrons, know better than most what it is that i do and what makes me tick.

So i am bringing the question to you.

This is our first pass-through of a new fortune-telling oracle by means of the Language of Flowers. This page contains 24 flowers and their meanings, and there will be a total of 4 such pages.

This page is comprised of the more-or-less square forms (600 x 650 pixels at raw size), which were designed for use at Instagram. As you can see, each image had a block of type beneath it, approximately 100 words in length. This format or aspect ratio would more or less fit on the page of a 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" book in which the live text/art area is 4' x 6" But it would not work as a deck of cards.

Next week we will try out a more vertical format (600 x 900 pixels at raw size), which were designed for use at Facebook and the Lucky Mojo Forum. This is an aspect ratio similar to a a playing card or trading card. In this format, the image, with the flower name, the image, and a few keywords, would fill a full book page or go on the front of a card, and the text would go on a facing book page or on the back of a card.

There will be four different weekly releases -- a total of more than 90 different flowers in all -- and during this time, we want to hear from you. What should we do with the material?

A Floriomanctic Freebie, Supported by Patrons

  • Keep it as a web page with low-resolution (72 dpi) graphics:
  • It could be used to teach the Language of Flowers.
  • It could not easily be used for fortune telling because there is no way to perform sortilege on a static web page.
  • Square format reads faster as you scroll.
  • Vertical format is more impressive to look at.

A Book on Floriography or The Language of Flowers

  • Use the square format to produce a high-resolution (600 dpi) printed book.
  • It could be used to teach the Language of Flowers.
  • It could not easily be used for fortune telling unless one approached it as a form of bibliomancy, opening pages at random.

The Floral Oracle, or Fortunes in Flowers

  • Use the vertical format to produce a high-resolution (600 dpi) deck of oracle cards
  • It could be used to teach the Language of Flowers.
  • It could easily be used for fortune telling by shuffling and dealing out a three-card "bouquet for floriomancy
  • Card decks are expensive to produce and this one would have more than 90 cards, making it fairly costly.

Don't Choose Yet. Wait Until Next Week

Don't choose which format you think is best until you see Week Two, with alla different batch of flowers, all presented in the vertical format. We want you so view both formats, for a fair comparison.

And now ... the first batch, in squarish format:

A Symbolic Bouquet of Meaningful Blossoms